Extraordinary places.
Extraordinary times.
Extraordinary situations.
Still, this world goes on, like a life has not been touched in ways that could change it forever — for the better or for worse, only time will tell (because, sometimes, we do not know the route a person has chosen to go until the seed comes to maturity and we see the harvest of the choice they have made).
Will they live, or will they mindlessly give up this gift they’ve been given?
Will they stand, or will they fall in extraordinary places, in extraordinary times, in extraordinary situations?
Will you live?
Will you stand?
Humor me, but wouldn’t agree that the wisdom of our fathers can help us see what appears hidden on extraordinary days?…
♣ Life is as easy or difficult as we make it; Breathe. Do your best now. Do it again. And then do it again….
♣ We are not designed to tackle the evils of more than one day; Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.
♣ This world is a mysterious place.
♣ Things are not always what they appear to be (which is one more reason why you need the word of God. It will be a lamp unto your feet and light unto your path).
♣ God is faithful.
♣ There are two sides to every story.
♣ Usually, history is kind to the party telling the story.
♣ God’s word is always true (if He tells you the white picture you’re looking at is black, you better believe it).
♣ In everything, give thanks to God.
♣ God has given us everything we need to live the life He has called us to live .
♣ We are more than conquerors; we are loved by the Conqueror who won the fight and chose to give us the prize.
♣ We can’t serve God with the distraction of monitoring the usage of every offering we give; God is able to take care of what you’ve given to Him. It’s better to pray for those with the responsibility of administering these resources instead of trying to be faithful to God with that distraction.
♣ If God opens eyes to an area of need, maybe that cross is for you to carry. So take it up and follow Him instead of rallying an army to talk about this one thing and every other thing that’s wrong with the way things are done (while doing nothing to help the situation).
♣ Some seeds of kindness you plant today might not be for you to reap; your children might be the ones who benefit from it long after you’re gone.
♣ We cannot completely understand God. Stop trying!
♣ What God says is exactly what He means. Literally.
♣ Sometimes, the old ways of doing things are still the best.
♣ Think. It’s good for you.
♣ Teach your children well so they know what to do in the days when they have to speak for you in the gates (you want your arrows sharp so they’re fruitful in your hands in those days).
♣ Heaven is real. Live ready because Jesus is coming back only for those expecting His return. It could be today.
Will you live?
Will you stand?
Are you ready?
This post is beautiful. Thank you.
Thanks for visiting. Many blessings!
Thank you for this! It blessed me deeply today!
Thanks for visiting. Many blessings to you!
We trust his goodness and we bow to his sovereign wisdom!
Amen! Thanks for visiting. Many blessings to you!