If you wait a little longer

If you wait a little longer you will see that God was making something beautiful the whole time.

If you look around and allow your heart to wander, you’d pick up weight you’ve not been called to carry—





Don’t give in to alluring ploys purposed to draw you away from your anchor.

Let God carry you and bring you into the beautiful plans He has already designed for you.

Go one more day.

Take one more step.

Say one more prayer.

Read one more verse of Scripture.

You might not see it now, but it’s coming together.

It’s all coming together and working for your good.

If you wait a little longer, you too would tell the story of how God showed up and proved Himself faithful again.

You will tell of His great power to save and to bless those who wait for Him.

Take one more breath.

Sing one more song.

Smile one more time.

Hope one more time.

Live one more day….

And expect surprises from God.

He will not fail.

He will not change.

And He will never lose control.

One day, you too will tell the story — or tell it again.

I believe God!

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6 thoughts on “If you wait a little longer”

  1. Thank you for this, friend! It’s just what I needed to read today. One step at a time. One day at a time. One prayer at a time!


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