Out of the ordinary

(A novel by Jen Turano)

“You’re not meant to live an ordinary life…” – Out of the ordinary, pg.70.

Does this statement resonate with you?

If this (Or a variation of it) has ever been said to you, then like Gertrude, you must have a friend like Permilia; a friend who would not withhold the truth from you, and is not afraid of telling you what you need to know.

And don’t we all pray for such friend as this?!

If you’ve never had anyone say this (Or a variation of it) to you, here’s your chance to hear it – and believe it because it’s true:

“God doesn’t expect His children to live ordinary lives, but extraordinary lives” – Out of the ordinary, pg 71.

In this story, Jen tells the story of Gertrude, a young woman  trying to make an honest living for herself. She wasn’t asking for much, or the impossible. She wasn’t even asking for extraordinary.

Just enough to get by on honestly, was all she had her sights on.

But you know how life can get – what with it going and bringing your way the very thing you said you didn’t want.

Because, now, what would she do with this situation where she continually has to discreetly return items stolen by her employer who didn’t even need the stolen items in the first place (and could even afford them if they were truly needed)! – So much for all that wanting to get by honestly!

As you follow this story, you’d learn that “…unless a person is willing to give up living an ordinary life on her own and hand that life over to God, trusting Him to lead the way to the path of extraordinary”, she might consider herself not capable of living an extraordinary life.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth because throughout Scriptures, we are provided with examples of how God calls His people from the known to the unknown –

From what is to what could be.

From ordinary to extraordinary.

If you want to hear this call again, you should read this book.

If you just want to laugh out loud while reading a book (and eventually hear the call again), you should read this book.

Because –

Who knows where the path of extraordinary could lead?!

A USA today best selling author, Jen Turano is the author of nine books and two novellas. She has been described as one of the funniest voices in the inspirational genre.

Out of the ordinary is the second installment of her Apart from the crowd series.

To celebrate the release of this book, Jen is on tour with Celebrate lit, and has answered some questions her readers have asked – like how she comes up with such unusual names for her characters, and which of her characters has been the most difficult to write.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon, but there’s a giveaway for two of Jen’s novels and a Gift Card.



I received this book free from the Publisher for this review.

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