Portrait of a woman dancing to her own beat

She is a woman walking by faith —

This means she doesn’t always have the full picture. Her map only shows the next step. So when she says “I don’t know” to the myriad of questions by well meaning observers, she probably really doesn’t know more than her next step. But she’s willing to go on this journey because she knows who’s leading.

She is a woman not moved or defined by the norm —

And it is for this very reason that she sometimes seems conflicted, like, “How can everybody else be wrong?” She knows the path she’s been called to. She’s willing to walk that path. But the outcome rarely ever fits the norm. At the end, it’s all worth it. But before then, sometimes she thinks she might be losing her mind.

The vision she has gained is not always easy to describe —

Like, you have to go on the journey with her to see it. But as not many would go with her, she carries this cross alone for a while. Eventually, people begin to see. But it’s usually the harvest they see. Rarely do they see all the sowing she did in the night with tears.

But she would do it all over again —

Because it’s the only way she knows how to live. She has seen other paths and heard other beats. But none call to her like this path she’s been called to walk and the sound of her own beat. She sees the end. She’s determined to reach purpose, and she would, God helping her. Plus, she has His word that the morning would come, and with it, joy.

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28 thoughts on “Portrait of a woman dancing to her own beat”

  1. So true that people look for results, but a wise friend realizes all the prayers and travail leading up to those results. God is singular in His leading and that’s a sweet thing.

  2. How can everybody else be wrong? Sometimes, it seems like I’m the crazy one but following Jesus is all I can do.

  3. I love your storytelling voice, Boma. Jesus showed us the way to walk our own path. Sometimes others look at us as though we are crazy, but God is on our side!

  4. “Rarely do they see all the sowing she did in the night with tears.” So grateful that God sees our tears, knows our hearts, guides our steps. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from #gracefulltuesday

    • Usually, it’s just our next step we know, Rebecca. It’s when we look back that we have a clearer picture of the path (I think!) Thanks for visiting. Many blessings to you!

  5. Yes! May we not be afraid to march to the beat of a drum that is different than the world’s! This is a fresh word of encouragement!

  6. Oh I love this post … the grace and permission you’ve given yourself and others to be the unique individual God has shaped us to be …

    I’m off to share this with the people on my world, Boma.

  7. This women is a determined women, determined to live for Christ no matter what others say or what their norm is. ICor 2;2, Paul says, I am determined to know nothing other then Christ Jesus.


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