Sunday worship: Come let us join our cheerful songs

1. Come, let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne; ten thousand thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. 2. ‘Worthy the Lamb that died,’ they cry, ‘to be exalted thus’; ‘Worthy the Lamb,’ our lips reply, ‘for he was slain for us.’ 3. Jesus is worthy to receive … Read more Sunday worship: Come let us join our cheerful songs

Sunday Worship: Christ receiveth sinful men

1. Sinners Jesus will receive: Sound this word of grace to all Who the heav’nly pathway leave, All who linger, all who fall. Refrain: Sing it o’er (Sing it o’er again) and o’er again:(Sing it o’er again:) Christ receiveth (Christ receiveth sinful men) sinful men. (Christ receiveth sinful men) Make the message (Make the message … Read more Sunday Worship: Christ receiveth sinful men