The Vintage Wren: January

(A novel by Chautona Havig)

Cassie Wren is a thrifter extraordinaire, a convenience queen, and a legal assistant. She was the kind of girl who used paper and plastic everything — forks, knives, spoons, cups, towels, napkins, etc. — “to save water, since I’m rarely home”, she would say.

That notion was challenged while shopping with her friend Lauren, for the coming new year. Lauren had tried to convince Cassie to at least cut back a little on her dependence on all things not-eco-friendly. “You’re filling up the landfills”, Lauren had told her friend, but Cassie said landfills exist to be filled.

One time, Lauren looked at Cassie’s cart and told her, “Do you realize you’ve got over a hundred dollars of stuff in there — a hundred dollars of stuff you are going to send to the landfill? Why don’t you just skip the party and toss the cash in the trash?” (The Vintage Wren, January. Pg.8)

Cassie’s response? — That cost is worth my time!

She was the true convenience queen. If there was a green police, she’d be a fugitive from eco-friendly justice.

When Lauren told her, “You wouldn’t make it a ye—week living green. You probably wouldn’t even know where to start”, (The Vintage Wren, January. Pg.10) Cassie thought —

She started to say year. Year! She wouldn’t even downgrade to month. No! She doesn’t think I can make it a week. I’m soooo tempted to do it and prove her wrong. So tempted. (The Vintage Wren, January. Pg.12)

Lauren’s statement felt like a challenge Cassie was willing to accept. And she did.

It can’t be that hard, right? Just cut back on paper and plastic. Plus, what better way to usher in the new year than by making this sound resolution?

The Vintage Wren is a serial novel released in fifty-two episodes, each episode documenting Cassie’s journey as she took on the challenge of living green for one year.

Each month is released separately as a full length novel.

In The Vintage Wren: January, Cassie quickly finds out that the challenge was harder than she thought — there’s paper and plastic everywhere. Everything came wrapped in them. Water. Groceries. Even restaurant food.

The book is easy to read, with relatable characters. If living green is something you’re interested in, you would come across ideas on simple ways to live more eco-friendly.

Chautona Havig lives and writes in California’s Mojave Desert. She uses story to point her readers to God, the Master Storyteller.

Chautona is on tour with Celebratelit, and has written about how writing Cassie’s story changed her way of living. 

She’s also giving away a grand prize package that includes 5 Shopping totes, a Shampoo Bar, a Foldable Straw, and a $10 Amazon gift card. You can enter the giveaway here. Claim extra nine entries when you leave a comment on any of the blog stops for this tour.

The Vintage Wren: January is available for purchase on Amazon.



I received this book free from the author for this review.

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22 thoughts on “The Vintage Wren: January”

  1. This book sounds interesting, I like the concept of being serial and following the journey of reducing her waste. I have to check this book out as I haven’t read anything like this before.

  2. The writing a book a month system sounds interesting. I am all for cutting back on recyclable waste. I even carry a metal straw in my handbag so that I can turn down the offer of straws if I get a drink while out.

  3. Very interesting topic and releasing as episodes is a neat idea! Is it teen friendly? I am always on the lookout for books that are good for tweens and teens that serve a purpose!
    Thanks for your review!

    • It is a neat idea, Nadia. Yes, teens and tweens would enjoy this series and even learn something. Thanks for visiting. Blessings to you.

    • OK, but the author covers other subjects with other books. You might find something that works for you. Thanks for visiting, Jenn. Blessings to you.

  4. i truly love books that spread the message of being ecofriendly and green. and while i strive for that by minimizing the use of paper, and plastic, completely eliminating it has not happened yet.. will be interesting to read Cassie’s journey to get ideas

    • She releases new episodes every week, and they’re available for free if you sign up for her newsletter. Thanks for visiting, Emma. Blessings to you.


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