When there’s a stirring of the heart

When there’s a stirring of the heart, Lord, please help me be attentive to You, to know and do what You’re moving me to do.

When there’s a stirring of the heat, You are on the move Lord, and doing a work. Please help me be a faithful child and servant that can be counted on to do her part.

When there’s a stirring of the heart, the work would be done, whether I choose to be a part of it or not. Lord, please help me not to lose out on the opportunities You bless me with, to be a part of Your work.

When there’s a stirring of the heart, Lord, please help me be still, to quiet my heart, and properly discern Your voice.

And Lord, help me at all times to serve You with integrity — to worship You in spirit and in truth.

And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD’s offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all His service, and for the holy garments (Exodus 35:21).

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20 thoughts on “When there’s a stirring of the heart”

  1. Ooh….the work would be done whether I choose to be a part of it or not…..wow! So true and so convicting for me! Like why would I think that somehow God won’t just choose someone else in my disobedience? Thank you for this and thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies


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