1 Timothy 2

1 Timothy 2

Lessons from Paul's letter to Timothy. 1 Timothy 2 Share on X

⇒ Verses 1-2. Pray for all men; for kings and for all in authority

Supplications, as when you come before a benefactor.

Prayers, as when you come before a judge or one in authority.

Intercessions, as when you come before one from whom you seek help on behalf of someone else.

Giving of thanks, as when you show and express your gratitude for goodness you have received.

That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, we are to pray for those in authority, rather than complain or seek redress from mortal and finite standards. Share on X

That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, we are to pray for those in authority, rather than complain or seek redress from mortal and finite standards. Even the best of these standards are fallible and cannot be wholly depended on. True help can only come from God.

⇒ Verses 3-6. God wants us to live in peace, and for all men to be saved

Jesus came and gave Himself a ransom for all so that we would have peace with God and with each other. He is the only mediator between God and man. He is the only way to God. It is God’s purpose for all men to be saved and to know this truth. What is your place in furthering this purpose?

⇒ Verse 7. It is God who calls and ordains men to do His work 

When God calls and ordains us, we must depend on Him for grace to fulfill our calling in faith and truth.

⇒ Verses 8-10. We are called to worship with all we are, not just with our words, when we pray 

When we lift up our hands in the place of prayer, there should not be wrath or doubting in our hearts. Rather, we are to be adorned in gentleness, humility, sobriety and good works.

⇒ Verses 11-14. A time was, when men and women didn’t mix up during worship services 

History tells us that a time was, when men and women didn’t mix up during worship services. Women were allowed to ask only their own husbands if they had questions about what was being taught. This caused a situation where wives moved up and down, wanting to get clarification during worship services. It caused disorderliness. In these verses, wives are being exhorted to stop the moving around during worship services, and wait till they get home before asking their husbands whatever questions they had.

This is not to say that women can't talk or teach in Church today.... Lessons from 1 Timothy 2. Share on X

And, man is head over woman, as Christ is head over man. This is God’s design for family.

⇒ Verse 15. A promise for childbearing 

Because of Jesus Christ, the Christian woman can face childbearing without fear. Mercy would prevail over judgment for her. If you’re dealing with fears about childbearing, this is God’s Word for you that cannot fail –

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

What to think about

God wants us to live in peace. If we would reach this purpose though, we must be intentional about making choices that align with His standards and design for life.

Are there changes you need to make to help you reach this purpose?

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