Let’s just call it like we’ve seen it, this one time

Because —

Tell me I’m not the only one seeing from this point of view, please!

And I’m talking about the visions we’ve gained in the house of God; things that ought not to be so:

Like how we miss the experience of truly worshipping because we want to capture the moment with our phones.

And how the line between prayer requests and gossip is getting finer by the day.

It has also been said that the Church today is the only place that slays it’s wounded soldiers.

Then there’s also the schisms and divisions along the lines of denominations and even ethnicity.

Those who have been on this race long enough mourn the loss of our culture; our music for instance has been so infiltrated, it’s hard to tell the difference these days.

And sometimes I think I misunderstand the meaning of fellowship, considering the cliquish and untamed behaviours rampant in some quarters.

Again, brethren, these things ought not to be so!

It’s not OK that the trust and reverence people have for God is exploited by mere mortals for gains and vanities that won’t last.

There truly are people outside in need of Living Waters and the Bread of Heaven.

There are people on the outside looking in, trying to find the Way.

We must get our house in order— individually first, and then as a family.

Because —

In the end Truth would surely prevail.

On what side of the divide then would you rather be?

Linking up with

Faith N Friends
Grace and Truth
Faith on fire

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4 thoughts on “Let’s just call it like we’ve seen it, this one time”

  1. Wow! This is so true! It’s truly sad that the church has gotten to the place it has-where people are hurt more in the church than they are by the world itself! We truly need to get back to the time where people ran to the church for refuge not out because the refuge they seek is tossed back in their faces and scorned!


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