The definition of me

We’re not one person, but three; I’d read this once, and supposed it could be the reason why I spend a lot of my time here trying to figure out who I really am.


If I don’t know who I am, how would I know home when I finally reach it?

I think I know who I am. But there’s also that other definition of me people seem to believe. And then there’s the truth about me that God knows is true.

It can’t be that hard to decide! And maybe it’s not, but you only have to look around you to see the lot who search for this same meaning—it surely can’t be that hard to decide!

I try my best though, and even though I can’t explain it, somehow I know it’s all that’s required of me—and home is not impossibly far away.

So what if there’s three definitions of me!

There’s just one me—that should count for something!

And it definitely would, God helping me.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16.

Linking up with

Faith N Friends
Grace and Truth
Faith on fire

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18 thoughts on “The definition of me”

  1. I really enjoyed the profound simplicity of this post. I was reading ‘ She’s Still There’ by Chrystal Hurst Evans today and this sentiment goes beautifully with it. ‘There’s just one me—that should count for something!’


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