Teetering on the edge of something

Sometimes I think the world has lost its own good mind, but carries on (almost gliding), completely oblivious to the dangers lurking.

Either that, or this world has been deceived by the master deceiver – a deceiver capable of holding the powers and glories of a whole world hostage, thus steering what now looks like a helpless world along the paths of death and destruction.

Our fathers would cry for what this place has become – and no area has been spared.

Things that brought shame in their days are now being justified and portrayed as normal.

So now they teach children wicked lies about being boys and girls.

They aberrate the sacred union that marriage is, even in the house of God.

Children now look up to celebrities and aspire to be like them – all well and good having people to look up to, except when the ones you look up to live in glass castles built on sinking sand.

Plus there’s this seeming aversion to clothes that a lot of women in those glass castles have – an aversion that grows by the day and permeates every part of life in this world.

And then there’s politics.

And a Church that has been severely affected by her disunity.

Then there’s the sickening notion that a baby is not a baby unless they say so….

The result? –

A confused world.

Increase in wickedness and iniquity.

Fear and distrust abounding.

With more and more people thinking that death is the only way out of the debilitating quagmire….

The world surely does teeter on the edge of something. But what?

Sometimes I wonder.

Sometimes I pray.

At other times I remember that unless the Church wakes up to her responsibility and be salt and light as she has been called to be, this world would continue to be without hope.

So we must fight with the truth, season the earth, and light the world.

We must remember that truth always prevails….

Salt that has lost its savour is good for nothing….

And no matter how thick the darkness is, just a little light is enough to make a difference….

Fight especially for the children – teach them truth, and show them better visions to aspire to.

Being sensitive in the spirit and proactive about our faith may save the lives of children in ways we cannot even begin to imagine now.

And as we fight, we must do so with hope because we have the assurance of Jesus Christ that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.

So arise again.

Take up your place.

And fight….

This post may be linked up with these encouraging writers.

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50 thoughts on “Teetering on the edge of something”

  1. We do have to be light, salt, and love. We have to be the women with clothes on. We have to stick so close to God that people recognize us by our relationship with Him.

  2. Strong and necessary admonitions here, Boma! Thanks for bravely speaking out! I pray your words inspire many to take up their cross and follow Jesus once again! Blessings, friend!

  3. Yes, the devil has definitely planted and grown lies in culture. I love your point about teaching children the truth. Yes, we need to fight for truth right now, but we can’t become so consumed with posting our own opinions and participating in debates that we forget to speak truth to the next generation.

    • So true, Melissa. No matter how little the light is, it really does make a difference. Thanks for visiting. Blessings to you.

  4. We certainly are in a battle, and it’s a good hard look at our culture and our slipping moral standards that keep us from becoming too comfortable on this planet. So thank you for this sobering reminder!

    • God help us! May we never get that comfortable when things are not right. Thanks for visiting, Michele. Blessings to you.

  5. Funny, I just read a post about how the world is constantly changing, yet God stays the same. Since we’re meant to portray God’s love, patience and grace to others, shouldn’t we continue to do that whether the world is changing or not? Thanks for writing this! 🙂

  6. “At other times I remember that unless the Church wakes up to her responsibility and be salt and light as she has called to be, this world would continue to be without hope.
    So we must fight with the truth, season the earth, and light the world.”
    A perfect post for me to read. I’m in the middle of memorizing Matthew 5, and we are on the verses about being salt and light. Yes, may we all wake up and be what Jesus called us to be.

  7. The church needs transparency. Letting each other and those struggling in the world know we struggle too is crucial. Love and outreach to meet people where they are and provide for needs as we can find and fill them.

  8. Boma, you are so right. Our world is confused. And the culture actively seeks to steal our children from us and from God their Heavenly Father. We must be on our knees on their behalf.

    This resonated with me:

    “Being sensitive in the spirit and proactive about our faith may save the lives of children in ways we cannot even begin to imagine now.”

    Thank you for your firm words here!

  9. Truth will prevail! God will prevail – and His love will prevail. I’m in Corinthians right now – and your post made me think that in all this chaos swirling around that you list – the one thing I can do is, yes – be salt and light – and to Jesus love those God gives me in the daily! Thank you for the reminder to press on, press in – and don’t give up!

    • Exactly! We must Jesus love those He sends our way daily! We may never know the difference it makes, but it does make a difference. Thanks for visiting. Blessings to you.

  10. Beautifully written, Boma. I love how you share this truth, ‘And no matter how thick the darkness is, just a little light is enough to make a difference….’ Being an advocate for children within the church, I can resonate with the disparity you feel about how the house of God ‘aberrates the sacred union of marriage.’ As the church, we need to be bolder about the truth and not be afraid of the flack we get from society or our brothers and sisters in Christ. Albeit we need to share the truth with gentleness and respect, but this gentle approach does not mean to retreat into a shell obscurity. The children desperately need to know what is right and what is wrong. Thank you for being a voice in the darkness on this matter! 🙂

  11. I agree with your statements, sadly. There are many days when I weep, pray, and then weep some more for what we have lost. Yet there is always hope when we hold onto our faith in God. As you said,
    “no matter how thick the darkness is, just a little light is enough to make a difference…” Amen!

    One candle can light up a dark room enough to be able to see the way around. Just one candle!

  12. Dear Boma, such brave and powerful words! We only have to look to Scripture to be reminded that the Lord is never surprised, and never loses. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’s blood and righteousness!” Thanks for the reminder, Courageous Crusader:)

  13. It’s extremely important that the church hold on to truth and keep preaching it regardless of the direction of the world. it’s, like you said, the only light that will drive out the darkness. thanks for your post! God bless!

  14. Yes, be salt and light. The world is hungry and ripe under all that depression. God is pursuing them and He will use us. May we be sensitive and obedient to His divine appointments. Glad you linked with us at BVN. Have a great weekend, Boma!

  15. As someone who has lived long enough to be a great-grandmother, I find astounding the changes in our moral condition. It should make us realize how important it is to stand ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us!


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