Are we there yet?

We know where we’re going.

We know who has promised.

And sometimes, it’s hard to wait till we get there.

It’s not always the journey that’s the challenge — you know, those times when we’re doing things and seeing progress made.

As challenging as the journey may be, the forward movement, usually, is enough encouragement to support us through our course.

But then, there are those times when we have to wait.

For how long? We do not know.

For what exactly? Mostly, we just have an idea.

But we know who has promised, and we trust Him.

So we wait.

And wait.

And wait….

Some days, we catch glimpses of what’s coming and excitement fuels our hope and fans it into blazing resolve.

And then there are those days when the flames burn low and we just wonder.

It’s those days when it seems like we’re living in limbo, waiting our days away, just wondering.

But we know who has promised, and we trust Him.

Our impatient cries of “Are we there yet?” do not distract Him.

The question is, “Would we get there?”

And we know the answer.

Our course is set.

Our expectation would not be cut off.

Winds of change are coming again.

Feel the excitement.

Let hope turn to blazing resolve.


He who has called you is faithful, and He will do it.

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