Do you feel lost?

You’re not alone.

At some point, everyone gets to that place where we need to decide where we want to go. It’s something like being at a crossroad.

This place can be foggy, making the path hard to follow.

If truth is your compass, you will not get lost.

“Don’t give up” is not just cliche admonition.

“Stay the course” is more than weak attempt at soothing scorched souls.

It’s a battle plan, tried and tested through generations.

By truth we know that—

♣There is nothing wrong with the path we have been divinely called to walk.

♣It’s a purpose greater than immediate comfort and gratification that’s at stake here, and there are those who await our manifestation.

We cannot fail. We will not fail.

If you’re misunderstood, remember that sometimes, we know what we want and where we’re going but it might take a while to articulate it.

It doesn’t mean you’re lost, even if everyone else says so.

Don’t give up.

Stay the course.

The fog will clear, and everything will be made plain one day.

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