If you’re trying to decide

Are you in the valley of decision, trying to find your way and choose the right path?

Have you considered your options and are now almost paralyzed with fear, afraid that you’d make the wrong choice and begin a series of events that would definitely cause your end?

Or maybe you’ve already wasted so much time and just do not want to continue doing so?

Let me encourage you today:

Jesus knows where the fish are.

He knows where the pasture is green, and His purpose is to lead you there.

Is He calling you out to the deep?

Or to someplace you’ve already been without much success?

Do not let fear, worry or doubt stop you from knowing your God, doing exploits, and living in the realm of the miraculous.

In His time, and at His Word, all things are made beautiful; and His doings are marvellous in our eyes.

So choose truth today.

At His word, let down your nets again.

Jesus knows the way; He is the way, so trust and follow Him without fear or reason.

And –

…Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. John 2:5

This post may be linked up with these encouraging writers.

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48 thoughts on “If you’re trying to decide”

  1. Dear Boma!

    I am in that valley every day, sometimes many times in one day 🙂 I was encouraged by today’s message. As you said: “Do not let fear, worry or doubt stop you from knowing your God” even though that’s easy to do.

    Enjoy your week!
    Edna Davidsen

  2. Yes, in His time
    That one can take a while to gell in your thinking space.
    No matter how hard you push, even if He told you to do it if it’s not time yet – good luck with that.
    Nice bit of wisdom there Boma

  3. Great thought that Jesus might call us to a place we’ve already been without success! It’s scary to trust Him in that moment, as we’ve already felt the sting of failure. But you’re so right – He knows where the fish are!

  4. This is exactly where I am right now – lots of decisions in front of me but a little afraid to get moving. But, they don’t call it a leap of faith for nothing?! So, I guess I just have to get moving and see what God has in store. I love how you say, “Jesus knows where the fish are. He knows where the pasture is green, and His purpose is to lead you there”. So true and so encouraging! Thank you for the post and for sharing on the Link up with Teaching What is Good. This is my first time participating in this or any other link up 🙂

    • Exactly Heather! And we have to leap before we look and change our minds! Thanks for visiting, and welcome to the link up. Blessings to you.

  5. Boma! This is so beautiful and encouraging! I’m facing a whole lot of good choices right now and it ain’t easy, but Jesus … He knows the way. I’m gonna do my best just to follow Him! I needed these very words this morning. Blessings!

    • Hey Liz! As long as you’re following Him, you won’t lose your way! Jesus truly does know the way. Thanks for visiting. Blessings to you.

  6. “Do not let fear, worry or doubt stop you from knowing your God, doing exploits, and living in the realm of the miraculous.” Yes! Thanks for the lovely post!

  7. How often in life we need to again “let down our nets.” Maybe God was growing us the first time or maybe it just wasn’t the right time. The good news is it’s not about the results but our being willing to trust and obey.

    • Yes! Because He brought us through before, we know He can bring us through again! Thanks for visiting, Julie. Blessings to you.

  8. Yes, we need to choose truth and to remember that God knows what is best. We need to put our trust in Him, because He is faithful. Blessings to you! Thanks for this reminder and thanks for sharing with us at the #LMMLinkup.

  9. Welcome to the Inspire Me Monday link up! I’m going to remember your words, “Jesus knows where the fish are.” the next time I fret and worry about something (I tend to do that). What a beautiful reminder!

  10. Jesus knows where the fish are! So true, Boma, and he knows which bait will attract them. He also knows which ones are ready to bite and be landed. What a blessing to be the fisherman at the right place at the right time offering the right bait that will draw people toward Him!


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