Spiritual gifts

(1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

The Church has not been left without help in the fulfillment of her purpose. Just as Jesus promised, when He left, He sent the Holy Spirit to help us through the this journey.

There is no way we can be successful in this calling without the help of the Holy Spirit (which is why Jesus told the disciples to wait until they receive the Holy Spirit before going out to fulfill the great commission). After the Holy Spirit came, once fearful saints became bold witnesses for Christ.

The Holy Spirit in a believer imparts supernatural abilities that enables the believer to fulfil their calling. Expressed within the church, this impartation is for the good of the church. That is, the gift of God expressed by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a believer will not cause confusion, pain, or sorrow.

Since it is the same Spirit manifesting these gifts (or abilities), every believer who has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit has the capacity to manifest any of these gifts.

The Holy Spirit works according to His will and manifests whatever gift He chooses, through us.

But these manifestations will always be for the good of the church.

Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?

>>The word of wisdom: To provide direction and insights inspired by God for specific situations as it concerns or affects the Church.

>>The word of knowledge: To teach the Church and expound the Bible in ways the human mind could never comprehend.

>>Faith: To believe for uncommon miracles in ways we naturally could not work up the faith to believe.

>>The gifts of healing: for the healing of the sick within the church.

>>The working of miracles: To provide divine intervention for the good and help of the church.

>>Prophecy: Similar to The word of wisdom, but deals more with the future, as it relates to the church.

>>Discerning of spirits: To help the church know when strange spirits have snuck into the church pretending to be the Spirit of God.

>>Divers kinds of tongues: Useful for evangelism, as a sign to unbelievers. Just like it happened on the Day of Pentecost.

>>The interpretation of tongues: Interpreted what was said by those by those manifesting the gift of tongues.

But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. (1 Corinthians 12:31)

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