Tell your story

(Lessons from The Essence of Joy by Lynn Watson)

The second volume in the Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational Collection for Women, The Essence of Joy follows the story of Cinnamah-Brosia and her friends. They share their stories and provide support and encouragement for each other as they journey through life.

Infused with Lynn’s love of essential oils, spices and plants, each chapter shares life lessons and experiences as attributes of featured oils, spices and plants are explored.

The chapters are broken into sections —

Cinnamah-Broisa and friends share their stories. Although the stories in this section have been fictionalized, they are based on actual events shared by real women.

The essence in Scripture, a devotion that speaks of the plant, spice or oil featured in the chapter, in context of Scripture.

A woman of the Bible experiences the essence, a devotion about a woman of the Bible who experiences some aspect of the featured plant, spice or oil in her life.

Essence droplets, a collection of fun facts about the featured plant, oil or spice, with suggestions of how you could use them.

Joy can be found everywhere if we look for it — even in our own lives and experiences.

As the hand is made for holding and the eye for seeing,

You have fashioned me for joy.

Share with me the vision that shall find it everywhere :

in the violet’s beauty;

in the lark’s melody;

in the face of a steadfast man;

in a child’s smile;

in a mother’s love;

in the purity of Jesus.

—Gaelic prayer, as quoted in The Essence of Joy, pg. 7.

Unless you tell it, you may never know how much encouragement your story could be to someone in need of support and encouragement.

So tell your story.

Tell it, especially in this season of Christmas when we remember the story of how God came to earth and paid the price so that we would have true joy.

Lynn Watson combines many years’ experience in women’s ministry, love of essential oils, and passion for God’s Word to bring her readers inspired encouragement for their walk with Jesus.

Her books are available for purchase on Amazon.


The Collection so far….

• Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational collection for women: volume 1

The Essence of courage
Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in Solomon’s locked garden and in your heart.

• Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational collection for women: volume 2

The Essence of Joy
Filling your heart with the aroma of Jesus’ nativity.

• Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational collection for women: volume 3

The Essence of love
Coming in 2018, the focus of this volume would be 1 Corinthians 13, and the marriage feast being prepared for us by God.



I received this book for free, being part of the blog tour celebrating its release.


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