Dear disoriented minister 

God knows where you are. 

It’s true. 

You must needs believe this – as hard as it can get sometimes – because it is the absolute truth. 

God sees you. 

He knows where you are. 

And you are not lost. 

Do not be discouraged – in spite of the disappointments and frustrations that assail you. 

Your concerns are not too misplaced. 

And no, you’ve not gone and lost your own good mind! 

Because really, how can you minister to a people if you CANNOT love them? 

And how did you even get here? 

God knows. 

He sees all your honest trying – and it’s all that’s required of you. 

You must remember this:

Faithfulness is all that’s required of you. 

And since you woke up again today, then faithfulness is still required of you. 

So buckle up, gird up your loins and get to work. God is watching. 

And He is faithful. He would not leave you without a witness. 

His yoke is still easy and His burden is still light – even though you still have to minister to THESE SAME PEOPLE. 

Remember that you are not without help, and as lonely as this road you’re on can get, you really are not alone. 

Do not give in to the lies of the enemy – overcome them with the Truth of God’s Word. 

Let the light of God’s Word dispel every darkness. 

For  God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind – 2 Timothy 1:7.

…and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty – 2 Corinthians 3:17.

Remember the promise:

…and,  Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world – Mathew 28: 20

You cannot get too lost, dear disoriented minister because underneath are the everlasting arms. 

So cheer up and be of good courage, your Lord has overcome the world. 

And greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 

As you know by now, without Him you can do nothing. 

But with Him (and as He strengthens you) you can do all things – ALL THINGS, including loving THESE PEOPLE (even though sometimes you believe you’d really rather not!) 

And just think of all the things that are now possible because the Almighty God has chosen you, and continually works through you to make Himself known to the world. 

This is unmerited favour beyond the comprehension of the human mind – but try to consider this truth a while (and some more!) – until it dispels every darkness and reveals this feeling of disorientation for the lie that it is. 

Because what, dear Minister, can separate you from the love of Christ? 

And –

…If God be for us, who can be against us?  -Romans 8:31.

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