Falling apart or into place?

Sometimes, life can begin to seem like a monotonous occupation; an endless going around in circles that leaves you pondering the whole meaning and purpose of our being in these spheres —

I’ve been told it’s normal to feel this way sometimes, as long as you don’t indulge the feeling long enough to lose yourself.

So it’s like one moment, all is fine and dandy, the stars are in their place and the world is just so full of very many beautiful colours, and then the next moment, you’re trying to breathe and find your way through this dark place you’ve been thrown into. And it wasn’t necessarily because of anything you did wrong.

Are you in that dark place in this moment? Allow me to encourage you.

I believe the difference between losing yourself in dark places, and coming out stronger on the other side, is the perspectives we’ve gained. Our perspectives and point of view dictate our attitude, and like we’ve been told, attitude is everything.

Things are falling —

Are they falling apart, or into place? Your point of view depends on where you stand.

But we do know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.

We know that the plans our God thinks toward us are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give us an expected end.

There may be varying theological expositions on these verses, but what if we just took the Word of God literally?

We would gain that perfect peace of God that passes all understanding, and find Truth, the balance that puts it all in perspective.

Then we would not worry all that much when things begin to fall because when God is in charge, where else would they be falling, if not into place? Because surely, there will be a shaking, so that those things that are shaken would be removed, and only those things that cannot be shaken would remain.

Take courage again today. When God is in charge we have nothing to worry about or be afraid of. We only need to trust Him.

Because, when you think about it —

Is anything too hard for the LORD?

This post may be linked up with these encouraging writers.

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30 thoughts on “Falling apart or into place?”

  1. I absolutely believe that it is all a matter of perspective. Several years ago, I went through what I consider the worst year of my life. Little did I know that the changes that occurred during that year enabled me to live the life that is right for me. I didn’t enjoy those changes at the time, but I am glad they happened.

  2. Boma, great thoughts here. I’m so thankful that God is sovereign. and in His sovereignty, we see His love. We don’t always (often?) know the whys of where He leads us, but when we trust Him, we can know things will be okay in the end. I so appreciated what you said about when things fall, if God’s in charge, they are falling into place. We just may not see it right away. 🙂

    Great post!

  3. OH, my goodness, Boma! I said words very similar to this on a video that I posted on Facebook, because our kitchen is being renovated right now . . . which basically means that my house is in chaos, but I keep encouraging myself with the truth that sometimes things have to fall apart before they can be put back together again! And here you are, friend! Offering me the same encouragement!
    Thank you and blessings to you!

  4. Amen, Boma! So full of truth! I’ve believed in Jesus all my life but it took me way too long to truly believe that with His help, I could take my eyes off all the things that frightened me and focus on Him for today’s perfect peace! Blessings!!!

  5. What a wonderful perspective. If I can just keep things in mind when life suddenly get completely out of whack…Including the verses you referenced…then perhaps I can hold on to a little bit of piece in the darkness. #MomentsofHope

  6. Boma – I just wanted to let you know that you were the most clicked post last week at #TuneInThursday Thank you for linking up and for sharing this great post. I love your encouragement and challenge to us all to look differently and see a different perspective with our circumstances. 🙂




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