For signs and for wonders

Don’t talk about me – except as an example of what God can do.

It may sound cliché, but it’s true:
My case is different.

The norm does not define me;
I am not an example of what obtains normally.

And really, I’m not just saying:
Don’t talk about me – except as an example of what’s possible with God.

I live in this world, but only as a representative of where I’m really from;
And greater is He that is in me.
And the power that lives in me.

All things are possible;
And there is nothing that God cannot do.

All things are lawful;
And I live in the freedom that I’ve been blessed with.

In Truth, and for the glory of God.

So don’t talk about me as anything less than a miracle;
I am for signs and for wonders.

And don’t talk about me as anything less than who I am;
I am a child of God.

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