Hope alive, Faith renewed


The Master already knew –

It did not take Him by surprise that you looked up to Heaven and swore with an oath that you did not know Him.

You denied Him, not once, but three times –

But He already knew.

Remember what He said about the enemy wanting to sift you like wheat? And that He had prayed for you?

Remember that He even mentioned about the cock crowing!

And it ALL did happen, exactly like He had said.

It must have been hard to look at Him when the cock crowed –

But He already knew.

And He already prayed for you.

You watched Him die.

He was buried.

And they sealed the tomb with a big stone.

Did you remember that He said He has the power to lay down His life and to take it up again?

Did you remember that He said He would rebuild His temple in three days?

Did you remember what the prophets had said?

Or did grief make it all hard to see?

The third day finally came, Peter. And the tomb could not hold the Prince of life; the Resurrection and the Life.

See, Peter, the Lord is risen!

He is risen and on His way to see you –

The angel said to tell you that!

But go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you. Mark 16:7.

See? He already knew, and He doesn’t hold it against you.

He saw your repentance, and He would help you –

Just like He does for every broken heart offered to Him.

Hope would come alive, and faith would be renewed again.

So now let the whole world know –

The Lord is risen!

Our Hope, the Author and Finisher of our faith, He is alive forevermore; He is here and He would see us if we’d just come.

You can come as you are, in spite of what you’ve done –

He already knows.

He won’t hold it against you if you’d accept His invitation and just come.

Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.

This post may be linked up with these encouraging writers.

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28 thoughts on “Hope alive, Faith renewed”

  1. Dear Boma, what sweet peace and redemption we find when we accept the fore-knowledge of Christ. Thank you for the reminder that the means for our forgiveness was already in place before sin entered the picture. Blessings for an abundant Resurrection Day.

  2. Dear Boma,
    Thank you for these wonderful thoughts that show the beauty of how deep the mercy of Jesus flows. He truly does see ahead of time the ways that we will need His forgiveness, over and over again. What a precious Savior we have! Have a Blessed Easter!

    • Thanks very much, Bettie. Do have a blessed Easter, yourself. And yes, What a precious Saviour we have! Thanks for visiting.

  3. Luci Shaw has written a poem about Peter and Judas in which she declares that the difference in outcome for these 2 disappointed men is that Peter took grace to mourn and to weep over his denial. There’s so much we can learn from the stories around Good Friday and Easter.
    Blessings to you, Boma!

  4. I am so drawn to Peter, I am so glad that God chose him to be one of the disciples, because I see a lot of Peters mistakes in my own life! And I pray for the hope that Christ can do a work in my life so that I can be more like Peter in his later life. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed Resurrection Day!

  5. This is precious and deep and convicting. How much am I like Peter before Jesus was risen; I have before denied Him with my actions, with my doubt, with my fear, yet I am amazed at how He preserves us. How He prayed for Peter; how He intercedes for us now that He is at the right hand of God.

    This is SOOO good. Thank you! PRAISING Jesus that He has risen and He has conquered!


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