Silent, discreet followers

So there are times when taking a stand and speaking up for the faith may cost us in profound ways.

In these times when people define truth by what is beneficial to them, insisting that truth is not defined or affected by personal feelings or ideas might gain us tags we really would have preferred to be without.

Sometimes they call you intolerant.

They could call you a know it all and accuse you of seeing yourself as better than everyone else.

They could call you a person set in your ways and resistant to progressive ideas (sometimes they could even go as far as calling you archaic).

They could call you all these and more but as a follower of Jesus how should you respond?

Some of us avoid those tags in the first place by being silent and discreet.

We try to fulfil what we’ve come to see as our spiritual obligation to God — go to church, give tithes and offerings, and be live peaceably with others as much as it depends on us — and then we carry on with the business of living in a world that has no regard for it’s Maker and Creator.

We give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and we give to God the things that belong to God — and we brandish the Scripture as defence and weapon to claim our right to adopt this stance.

Some of us argue that the posture of our heart supercedes every act of bowing the knee to strange powers and influences.

Then, they become all things to all men so that, maybe, they can win some (at least that’s one more argument we’ve heard for their case).

But what does the Bible really say?

We’ve been called to earnestly contend for the faith.

Truth is fallen in the street.

Do you hear the voice of wisdom calling out?

Who is on the Lord’s side?

There is a time to be quiet and there is a time to speak out.

What time is it these days?

In this season when the world is content to participate in the celebrations without acknowledging the reason for it, may we not be silent when we get the chance to stand with truth and proclaim the message of salvation that will set people free and deliver them from this present evil world.

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