Spin and win

It’s supposed to be that easy –

Just spin. And win.

At least that’s how they make you believe it –

And that’s how it seems at first, usually.

So the man spins and wins.

Then the stakes get higher.

And higher.

And higher….

Now he’s thinking of all he could do with all his winnings –

If the stakes could be higher, he could do more with all that winning.

There’s a small voice trying to be heard from the depths of his soul….

The preacher says it could be his conscience. Or maybe even common sense.

The voice pleads with him to be reasonable.

This plea infuriates him, especially as it’s persistent. He hears it even in his sleep….

He disagrees with the preacher –

“No sir, it couldn’t be common sense! It would know better! I am being reasonable and investing for my future!”

That would be a valid argument, except when the voice reminds him he already lost his savings and has been lying to everyone about the state of his affairs.

“I’m taking risks and stepping out in faith”, he tells himself.

He could swear the voice laughs at him whenever he tells himself that; not the kind of laugh that mocks, but the kind that shows sympathy and says “You’ve been deceived, and you’re not even aware because you’ve deceived your own self”.

“No sir, that could not be common sense”, he still disagrees with the preacher, “I couldn’t deceive my own self!”

If only this man knew!

If only we all knew!

It’s more than a few who hide behind a refuge of lies, deceived in their own thinking.

Their prison didn’t look all that bad at first; the chains didn’t look like it could keep them bound and helpless.

Little by little their captor gained ground, and the foothold became a stronghold.

There’s still that voice the preacher says could be our conscience. Or maybe even common sense.

And then there’s hope.

And the voice of God too.

God says we are already victorious and more than conquerors.

He says we’re already free.

There’s no prison or chain strong enough to keep us bound.

And even the lawful captive would be delivered.

It’s time to come out from behind the refuge of lies.

It’s time to find truth again and be made free.

Regardless of the past, or mistakes already made, a new beginning is already ours for the taking, whenever we want it.

The refuge of lies would be swept away.

Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. Isaiah 28:17.

Just spin, and win?

No sir! The price is too high. I am already a winner, and I won’t give you a foothold in my life. I have heard the voice of God and the refuge of lies has been swept away.

This post may be linked up with these encouraging writers.

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40 thoughts on “Spin and win”

  1. This is beautiful, Marie. The persuasive, cunning words of our enemy make addictive behaviors, which eventually can become sin, so attractive. I recently gave up alcohol. The verse in Proverbs warning us not to be fooled by the way wine sparkles in the glass convicted me for a long time before I finally yielded to God’s Word for me on this. Bless you for tackling this difficult issue head on.

  2. Wow.
    Your words make me want to be very certain that I am familiar enough with the voice of God that I will recognize it when it comes and be able to distinguish it from all the other voices in my head.

  3. Oh, thank you for this beautiful word of truth. Only God can sweep away those lies that the enemy has so cunningly planted within us! Thank you for reminding us of the Hope that we have–that God is right here, always spurring us on to cling to His truth!

  4. Such a beautiful analogy to remind us Who is the source of our strength. It is easy to deceive ourselves when we go out on our own. But with God, we are never deceived. Thank you for your words!

  5. What binds us almost never looks bad in the beginning. Satan is to sneaky for that! And always has been. Fruit is good, right?? Knowledge is good, right??? Lovely post with a good “gut check!” Blessings!

  6. It reminds me of walking through the fair when I was a kid. Come play this game kid…its easy. Later I found out it is very hard to win as things are not always as it seems. I need to focus on God’s voice not the fair man yelling at me to waste my money! It is never as easy as it appears to spin and win! #porchstories

  7. Oh the slippery slope of sin which threatens us all. Great illustration here on how we can all easily succumb. Happy to have stopped by from #HeartEncouragement

  8. You are masterful at conveying deep truths in a fascinating story line. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the #LMMLinkup. Blessings to you!

  9. Yes! Christ has already won and given us the prize. Yet we can still so easily be deceived! What a great thought-provoking piece. Thanks so much for linking up at Counting My Blessings!

  10. Such a powerful reminder to heed that voice within. When God whispers, turn away from what we know is drawing us away from Him, and run (quickly) to Him!

    Your words and ministry are such a blessing. Thank you joining me in sharing hope each week at #MomentsofHope!

    Blessings and smiles,


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