What are you looking for?

What are you looking for? What do you need?

When you scroll through social media mindlessly, and surf the internet endlessly, what do you hope to find?

What are you giving up in order to indulge this habit?

Does it satisfy?

Does it serve the purpose you envision?

Usually, it doesn’t.

You should turn to God when you need help with anything, and let Him guide you to the answers and solutions you need.

Your first recourse should not be the World Wide Web.

Whatever the need, God can meet it. He did it in the days before phones, and computers, and technology.

He would do it again if we let Him.

He knows better than us what we need, and no programming or algorithm could ever satisfy  like He can.

What are you looking for?

What do you need?

Let God help you satiate every hunger and thirst.

Let Him help you find the fulfillment that truly satisfies.

Let Him bring the healing you need.

You will find rest for your soul and tell the story of how you came to truly live by the help of God.

It all begins with turning to Him.

Call out for help today.

Turn your gaze to the source of life. You’d be surprised at what you’d find.

And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

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