Without Excuse

Dearly beloved, blessed of God and favoured by Him – you must keep in mind that you are answerable to God for all that you have received from Him (starting from, but not in any way limited to the gift of life).

Yes, life is a gift – in spite of those days when it doesn’t feel like one (and yes, I know that the struggle is real, especially in those times when those days are plenty and not that far apart).

But life is a gift.

We’ve been told, and it’s true that as long as there’s life, there’s hope.

So keep your head up.

Stand up and walk a bit taller in the confidence that comes from knowing that you are loved, blessed and favoured by the only God besides whom there is no other.

Remember Truth again:

You are the child of the Almighty God, the Maker of heaven and earth.

And His Word is Truth – the balance that puts it all in perspective.

So live, and abundantly.

Take courage again.

Be of good cheer (your God has overcome the world).

Everything’s just fine because you are already victorious.

It’s true:

You are already victorious and without excuse.

You are already victorious, without excuse and accountable to the Sovereign God.

So live, and not let all that blessing go to waste.

Because, what would you say to God then?

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