How much should it cost to tell others about Jesus?

Picture this—

Three brothers walking home from fellowship one evening. They’re reliving the fellowship experience and how blessed they were by it.

Then they notice a group across the road talking. They could have been talking about anything — politics, sports, the new community project…

One of the three brothers mention that it’s a good opportunity to share the good news of salvation. So they start clapping and singing.

Soon, the group across the road notices them. One by one, they join the singing. Then they’re crossing to the other side of the road where the brothers are.

Passersby notice them.

Some stop and join them.

After singing for a while, one of the brothers shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with the crowd that had gathered.

And then they pray.

As they pray, someone from the crowd starts shouting with excitement — a persistent headache that had troubled him for weeks had stopped.

Another person stopped coughing.

People are running forward to share testimonies.

People are running forward to surrender their lives to God.

The three brothers are surprised.

They had not planned this outreach — they had just been on their way home from fellowship that evening.

They had not assembled a large team or spent months praying and planning for it.

And it had not cost them any money.

How much should it cost to tells others about Jesus?

Some might argue that times have changed and we must adapt and reinvent our methods if we would be successful with the mandate that has been committed to us.


But God is still with us, confirming the gospel that we preach (the good news of salvation) with signs following.

The question is, are we doing our part?

God can be trusted to do His part always.

Are we telling others about Jesus or are we doing everything else apart from the one thing Jesus told us to do?

Are we fulfilling the great commission?

May God help His Church!

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