No one heard?

She stands at a precipice,

Looking into a vast, dark stretch of nothingness,

Searching for something….


A sign….

Every step that brought her to this place blurred the myriad choices that fed her confusion and numbed her senses.

Her scars grew thicker until they became a barrier to common sense.

Now, only two paths stood clear, each beckoning with grandiose allure.

Whatever her choice, she would still have to take the plunge—

Forward, embracing that huge mass of nothingness.

Or she could turn around and fall deeper into the fight.

She continued to look….

Searching for something….


A sign….

The paths beckoned still, urging her to make a choice.

She did her best to consider her options.

But her rumination was interrupted by three bright faces that pierced the darkness before her.

She heard them call for her, “Mama”.

She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the vision.

“You’re cursed”, she heard that voice again that had led her to this place, “Your sacrifice would be their deliverance”, it told her, “Just do it. Take the plunge”.

“Mama”, she heard the call again.


She opened her eyes and considered both paths one last time.


There’s always something to live for

It was like a revelation; like piercing light breaking through some kind of fog.

She screamed, letting out years and substantial amounts of dirt and grime that had settled in her soul.

She continued screaming….

And then she closed her eyes and took the plunge.

No one heard?

Three bright smiling faces welcomed her as she landed on solid ground one more time.

The voice that had led her to the precipice mocked her.

But this time she had an answer, “There’s always something to live for”, she replied with assured faith and confidence, fueled by hope that she would always land on solid ground.

“There’s always something to live for”.

No one heard?

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