What would mama say?

The dresses are getting tighter, the cuts lower, and the slits higher –

Mama would be horrified!

I hear some places won’t even let sisters sit in front so the preacher can concentrate and preach the message properly.

There’s also the song leaders too –

People have complained loudly about the dresses getting in way of praising. They’ve said it’s hard to get past the dresses these days because – you know how they say men take what they see seriously? – well, it must be true!

And did you see the makeup yet?!

It’s like how mama always says –

Too much of everything is bad.

And brethren, these things ought not to be so!

If we would be light and salt like we’ve been called to be, then we must not be conformed to this world.

Change might be the only thing that’s constant, but our God is still the same – unchanging – in who He is, and in what He has said.

He has called us higher, to a place where we are not conformed to this world.

Our calling is to a place where we are transformed by the renewing of our mind.

This is a gift that we must be perpetually grateful for, and responsible with.

And can’t you just hear mama’s reprimand to one of the offending sisters?! –

“Child, that is no way to show your appreciation for the blessings you’ve received from God. If I were you, I’d go right back home and wear the remaining parts of the dress. Believe me, you don’t want to seen like that when Jesus comes back! Tsk!”

Linking up with

Moments of hope
Tuesday talk 

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4 thoughts on “What would mama say?”

  1. Ok, Sista…I love your mom! Love the last quote you shared about what she would say. I think I will memorize that and borrow it for future reference. Oh, and I couldn’t agree more with you about this post. LOL! So nice stopping by and getting to know the writer behind the lovely photo I see attached to
    all of your blog posts on the linkups. Today I clicked over just because I recognized your photo. Blessing to you!

  2. Totally could relate to this post– and I laughed out loud at the last quote!! With my hubby- he even gets on to the men and the way they dress- he sometimes says to me, “How do you think that young man fit into those tight skinny jeans!?!” ha ha!– while they are up there singing- his brain is trying to figure out the physics of how they fit into the jeans.

    Our God has a standard which never changes- and we need to align ourselves with Him and not with what the latest trend is trying to convince us about.


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