She would not lose

No way she would lose – the fight is after all, for her own life.

No strategy – and without the foggiest idea of what to do (except for that definite knowing that she’d be ok – sometimes, at least!).

The cards she’d been dealt had her in constant state of perplexity, and brought her to that deep dark hole of nothingness that looks impossible to get out of.

They say nothing is impossible. But some things look impossible – she would know because she’d been trying for years to get out of that deep dark hole – and all her efforts and honest trying after all these years still resulted to nothing.

But that was before now.

If she didn’t know better, she would say her situation is hopeless and she was helpless.

She nearly believed that lie.

But not anymore –

Not today –

She would fight for her life.

And there is no way she would lose.

There’s still not a strategy yet.

She still has those same cards.

But she remembers Truth:

She doesn’t fight for victory.

She fights from a position of victory –

The victory is already won; she only has to reach out and take hold of it.

There is no way she would lose.

She would fight for her life.

So make way world –

A daughter of Zion is arisen, and on her way to claim the victory she’s already blessed with.

God is with her –

She would not lose.

She cannot lose.

Linking up with

Moments of Hope

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