The authority of the believer

He hated her guts and just couldn’t care less about the resulting outcome of this deep rooted hatred.

It’s not like she’d done anything to warrant this attitude, he just did not like her and all that pertained to her.

And yes, given the opportunity, he would go out of his way to cause her pain.

He would even influence everyone he could, to join his course.

But then she goes and joins the police force!

Not his problem really —

Except for when she’s on traffic duty on his route!

He drives a huge truck for a construction company, and it just kills him when she stands there in her uniform and holds a hand up for him to stop.

He would run over her, if it were not for that uniform and the powers behind it.

And she has no idea how real the struggle is when he has to bring that truck to a stop just because she put that hand up!

Then there was that other time she put him under arrest —

Still, it was only because of the uniform and the powers behind it.

Finally, he learnt his place with regards to that uniform!

His deep rooted hatred for her despite, that uniform was something like an identity that gave her authority to do things the power behind it said she could do.

It was no longer about her, or even that deep rooted hatred.

As long as her identity was still intact, he couldn’t touch her….

Just like the Christian —

The apple of God’s eye.

The one engraved in the palms of His hands.

The one whose life is hid with Christ in God.

You too, dearly beloved are untouchable.

It’s not about you, or even the schemes of the enemy —

God is able to keep what has been committed to His care.

So remember your identity and live like Whose you are.

Because what He says is what He mean —

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you — Luke 10:19.

Linking up with

Faith N Friends 
Grace and Truth 
Faith on fire 

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10 thoughts on “The authority of the believer”

  1. “So remember your identity and live like Whose you are.” This is how I want to live every day. I don’t always do it though; I let fear and insecurities creep in. So thanks for this reminder today to live strong and identified!

  2. Yes, we must realize our authority over satan in Jesus Name, but someone does not believe and they try to cast out demon without believing in the name they could wind-up running for their lives being overpowered just like sons of Sceva.
    “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” – Col. 3:17 KJV
    Call on His name to cast out demons, for deliverance, for baptism in water, for prayer. Amen.


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